Accountability Calls:
— How to Get More Done and Have More Fun...

Running your own business can be all-consuming and even isolated. Keep your balance with our Accountability Calls.

"Not enough hours in the day — too busy working IN the business to work ON the business!"

— Can you afford to leave next year to chance?

"Accountability groups are the best
way to stay inspired, keep your momentum up
and do what you want to get done, even when
clients are keeping you busy."

Jim Pirrie

I'm Jim — and I know accountability groups just work.

As a business coach I talk to a lot of business owners and, while some are looking for help with mindset, strategy, planning and implementation, many want something else.

A couple of themes come up again and again.

One is that you know what you need to do — it’s just that you get sidetracked by client work and planning for the future takes a back seat.

The other is you work from home and don’t have anyone to kick ideas around with, ask for advice and generally have those water-cooler chats with.

Do you too face the challenge of keeping the inspiration, enthusiasm and momentum up — at the same time as turning the handle on day-to-day client work?

It’s critical for every business to balance today’s busy-ness with planning for the future and doing the right things to take your business forward into a thriving and prosperous future.

The danger is that you either end up not experiencing the full potential of your business, or you find yourself in the painful (and painfully common) cycle of feast and famine, where you only have time to do any lead generation is when the client work has dried up!

Accountability groups help solve both problems

..and more!

As well as being regularly held accountable for the actions you commit to take, you also join an enthusiastic, generous group of fellow business owners. They bring a huge spectrum of experience and are more than happy to share it. They know what it’s like to go through the mill, and are genuinely supportive when times are tough.

And it’s not unusual for real business opportunities to be passed.

If that sounds good to you, then there’s no time like the present: put a quick call in the diary and take it from there:

Why Our Accountability Groups just 'Work':

Get More Done

Regular weekly check-ins and daily nudges keep your long-term goal top-of-mind, help you stay motivated to get things done, and celebrate when things work out!

Stay Inspired

Sharing new ideas, new perspectives and hands-on experiences. Everyone moving towards their goals. Sharing the journey with others on the same path!

Win More Clients

And there's so much variety of experience in the nuts and bolts of making business work, and always support and insights about how to make your business grow.

Meet Your Shortcut to Success…

The JFDI Club:

Step 1:
Schedule a Call

We'll have a quick 15-minute call on Zoom, Teams or the phone. I'll answer any questions and explain how the groups work.

Step 2:
Free Trial

We'll get you on board for your Free 4-week trial so you can see how it works, meet the other business owners and see if it's for you.

Step 3:
Get Things Done!

Even on your free trial you'll experience the genuine support and enthusiasm in the group — and you'll definitely see results!

What People Say:

“helped me get clarity about what I need to do —  and more importantly, the motivation to get on and actually take action! “

Accountability Calls

Carrie O

Neurodiversity Coach

“Helps you see the wood for the trees. I feel I am being more effective in my approach to work as a result of these meetings.”

Accountability Groups

Andy S

Financial Planner

“Helped me strategize and plan for the future growth of my business, focusing on what’s important and getting it done.”

Accountability Coaching

Arlo R

Estate Agent

Here's what you get:

To get all this and more…

How much does it cost?

Let’s not beat around the bush: business coaching is expensive. Most programmes cost hundreds or thousands of pounds each month.

These Accountability Groups are different. They are priced at around a couple of cups of coffee a day — to make business coaching accessible to those who wouldn’t otherwise consider it.

Yet I’ve been consistently amazed by the real feet-on-the-ground difference these groups continue to make for people and their businesses.


Is this for you?

If you say yes to these, then we can help you!

Yes? Then go ahead and schedule your Free four-week trial.

free business quick-start guide

How to Get More Done, Get Your Business Moving and Get More Clients - a ridiculously simple 5 step plan

Being BUSY doesn’t necessarily mean being PRODUCTIVE

This ridiculously simple five-step plan reveals how to consistently choose activities that move the needle  — get more clients, who pay more and stay longer.