About Us

"I was once in your shoes. My business wouldn't grow like I wanted and I had no idea what to change or how..."

Jim Pirrie

I’m Jim Pirrie, and I left the Corporate Cube in 2001 to set up my own training and coaching business.

(Corporate Cube being hands-on in design, development, marketing and business development in manufacturing, tech and service businesses)

I don’t know if this feels familiar to you, but I had no idea where to start. Even with 20 years business experience in the Corporate world, an MBA from a leading business school and huge enthusiasm, I felt at a loss.

As a business owner, you need a the fast-track to knowledge, experience and expertise so you can set off on a solid footing.

If you’re like me then you’ll have found endless people out there determined to have you ‘buy their stuff’ – even if it’s completely irrelevant for your business. And they are extremely convincing.

I learned some expensive lessons and if I can help you avoid them I’ll count that as a success! I am committed to debunking as many myths as I can about what works, what doesn’t, and for whom. Marketing is simple. Running a business is simple. It our habits of over-thinking, over-stretching and falling for the hype that make it seem complicated.

What changed was finding coaches and mentors who genuinely did take an interest in me and my business, who held my feet to the fire until I took the actions we both knew were the smart things to do – however uncomfortable – and were generous and effective in sharing everything they had learned along the way.

They helped me go from nothing to repeatedly working across the globe with some of the most prestigious firms in the world.

I can’t promise you that, of course. I can promise to help you get where you want to go.

My goal is to help you find clarity about your goals, clarity about the levers you can pull to make them real, and clarity about the practicalities of making it happen.

Everything I do is tailored to your business and my job is to help you create the right plan, build the right team, and build the mindset to see it through.

To create the business you really want.

Tough on your own, though.

So my strong focus is the enthusiastic, generous and experienced support of like-minded business owners — plus specialist experts and, of course, coaching.

I also bring you an extensive network of established, experienced and reliable implementation specialists: professional advisers, marketing specialists, IT specialists, website developers, SEO specialists, telesales specialists — the list goes on. Invaluable when it comes to building your team.

I believe in business coaching because I know from my own experience that it works. I have personally invested heavily in working with my own business coaches.

Yet my most powerful and inspiring experience was joining like-minded business owners supporting each other. And that’s also what I offer you.

Ready to get started?

free business quick-start guide

How to Get More Done, Get Your Business Moving and Get More Clients - a ridiculously simple 5 step plan

Being BUSY doesn’t necessarily mean being PRODUCTIVE

This ridiculously simple five-step plan reveals how to consistently choose activities that move the needle  — get more clients, who pay more and stay longer.